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◎日本照明大師--面出 薰


本書由面出 薰所帶領的「照明偵探團」,歷時14年,走訪60幾個國家,將蒐集到最具代表性的19個城市照明及其中6個國家的居家照明特色,呈現於書中,並一一解答關於照明背後的故事,破解令人驚嘆不已的光影祕密。


特別收錄 淺川 敏、小池一子、島田雅彥、原 研哉、原 廣司,所撰寫的專欄。


為1990年,由日本照明設計大師面出 薰擔任團長,成立於株式會社Lighting Planners Associates中的照明文化研究社。創社以來,不斷地持續調查都市的光線文化,並將非營利目的的田野調查成果以出版、展示會、活動等多元的方式傳遞出去。其後參與活動的成員從照明的專家到學生、家庭主婦,不斷擴大且吸引了廣泛的民眾層,目前共有1700名的公關成員及200名的照明偵探團俱樂部會員。

隨著對國際性照明偵探團活動的興趣與日俱增,於1999年成立了跨越國境的照明偵探團,即為「世界照明偵探團∕Transnational Lighting Detectives」,現在分布於各國共有11名核心成員,組成交流網,舉辦各種活動。

★14年 × 60個國家的記錄觀察= 嚴選19個世界級代表性夜景全紀錄
★一次收錄:令人讚嘆的400 張經典城市夜景、街景照明圖片


面出 薰Mende kaoru

株式會社Lighting Planners Associates 負責人(CEO)

1950年,出生於日本東京。東京藝術大學美術學部設計科畢業、東京藝術大學美術研究科碩士畢業。1990年創立株式會社Lighting Planners Associates,擔任負責人。從住宅照明、建築照明、都市.環境照明等各種不同的分野廣泛地製作、提案各種照明設計,活躍於第一線。並成立民眾參與型的照明文化研究會「照明偵探團」,擔任團長一職,舉辦各種充滿熱忱的精采活動。

曾經擔任東京臨海副都心道路景觀、東京國際Forum、新宿高島屋、安曇野CHIHIRO美術館、Queen's Square橫濱、JR京都車站、sendai mediatheque、六本木Hills、新加坡最高法院、中國中央電視台等設施的照明企劃。並獲頒北美照明學會.國際照明設計獎.優秀大獎、國際照明設計師協會獎.最優秀獎、日本照明獎、日本文化設計獎、每日設計獎等獎項。



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出現在波茨坦廣場的嶄新街景, 象徵著新生的柏林。
曾經隔離東西的圍牆及陰霾, 隨著光線的增加而逐漸淡去。

Making Contemporary Use of Old Technology The new cityscape in Potsdamer Platz is a symbol for the new Berlin. Like light, the shadow from the wall that separated the east and west has dwindled to nothing, but some things still stay the same. The light along Ku-Damm Street still creates a gentle axis of light,providing a welcoming atmosphere for the bustle of people.




隨著1990年東西德統一,為了重建柏林,德國展開了大規模的開發計畫。像是SONY歐洲、Daimler-Chrysler、德國鐵路等大企業都將本部遷移至此處。其中由Helmut Jahn設計的大規模複合型設施SONY大樓更贏得了建築設計大獎,其被稱為「富士山」的巨大屋頂也成為著名的景點。而最值得一提的,還是它那面玻璃牆的外觀照明。每一層的三角拱肩部分都全層打上了照明光線,使得周圍整個市區形成一體,看似一座絢爛的不夜城。

After the wall between East and West came down in 1990, Berlin experienced a building boom.
Sounds of hammering echoed throughout the city. There was also a large influx of artists.
Bars where youths of indeterminate nationality gathered had a distinctive energy. Facilities
designed by international architects went up in the Potsdamer Platz district. Ten years after
the reunification of East and West, much of that fever subsided. Berlin, which for a time
seemed ready to adopt leading-edge lighting systems, still favors gas lamps. Kudam Strasse
remains without sidewalk lamps. Perhaps Berlin is attached to old, traditional technologies
because it is undergoing true renewal.
Freestanding Showcases that Double as Sidewalk Lights Ku-dam Strasse is the main
thoroughfare of Berlin. Approximatly two-thirds of the 48-meter wide street, lined with plane
trees, is for pedestrian use. The sidewalks, each about 14 meters wide, have freestanding showcases that light up at night to double as sidewalk lighting. These showcases–each 0.8-meter deep, 1.2-meter wide and 1.5-meter high, or about the size of a telephone box–are asplendid sight, arranged at four-meter intervals for about two kilometers and casting a variety of light. The showcases contain advertisements for such things as shoe stores, necktie stores and doctors. The displays and the lighting have been thoughtfully devised. They remain litlate into the night because they also serve as public lighting. They are a successful example of local government and commercial interests working together to their mutual advantage, and to the delight of pedestrians.
The Significance of Gaslights Fleeing the crowds, one enters a side street. Suddenly one encounters old, masonry apartment buildings. The streetscape is a pleasant change. In this area, gaslights that cast a warm glow are still in use. They seem to have been installed in the period from the end of the nineteenth century to the start of the twentieth century. They are still going strong a hundred years later. The gaslights, 3.5 meters in height, are staggered at tenmeter intervals on the ten-meter wide street. The intensity of illumination on a horizontal plane is five lux; that on a vertical plane is likewise five lux. The bright lights are pleasant and free of glare. The gaslights create an admirable, humanly-scaled light environment. They may

cost more to maintain than electric lights, but people who live in the area no doubt prefer them
for their cozy character.
The Renewal of Potsdamer Platz Large-scale development intended to revive Berlin began once East and West Germany were reunified in 1990. Large corporations such as Sony Europe, Daimler-Chrysler and Deutsche Bundesbahn moved their headquarters there. Among them, the Sony Center, the subject of a 1992 competition won by Helmut Jahn, is a large-scale complex well-known for its large roof referred to as ”Fujiyama”. The exterior lighting for its glass curtain wall is noteworthy. The spandrels on all levels are lit up and illuminate the entire district at night.


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